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So, you want a community. You've come to the right place.

JaxBoards has been built from the ground up: utilizing feedback from members and forum gurus along the way to create the world's first real-time, AJAX-powered forum - the first bulletin board software to utilize modern technology to make each user's experience as easy and as enjoyable as possible.
Jaxboards offers entirely new ways to make your forum look exactly the way you want:
  • Easy CSS
  • Template access
Stable & Secure
Jaxboards maintains the highest standards of efficient, optimized software that can handle anything you throw at it, and a support forum that will back you up 100%.
Real Time!
In an age where communication is becoming ever more terse, we know how valuable you and your members' time is. Everything that is posted, messaged, or shared shows up instantly on the screen.

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